About CIAJ

About CIAJ

Connecting all industries and generations to co-create the future
We play an important role as a bridge to the prosperous new future
by connecting one's various creative ideas
based on information and communication technology.

The Communications and Information Network Association of Japan (CIAJ) promotes the further use and advancement of information and communication technologies (ICT), aiming for the robust growth of all industries that provides and/or utilize the ICT by bringing together diverse industries and sharing insights. Through such initiatives, CIAJ has the mission of contributing to solving social issues and realizing an enriching society in Japan as well as a sustainable global community.

CIAJ was established in 1948 as a voluntary industry association composed mainly of telecom terminal manufacturers and network infrastructure vendors. In October 2009, CIAJ embarked on a new page in its history by becoming a general incorporated association.

CIAJ’s diverse regular members include communication network and equipment vendors, telecom carriers, service providers and user companies.

Acting as a voice for the ICT industry, CIAJ is committed to the healthy development of the industry. We strive to further strengthen our capabilities to present policy proposals as well as advocate industry views on government policies, establish a suitable environment for the creation of new businesses by promoting the use of ICT, encourage global business initiatives and tackle common industry issues, such as easing the industry’s impact on the environment.