HATS HATS Conference


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"Overview of HATS"
Seminar on ITU-T hot topics for Standardization (Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2 September 2009)
Result of HATS Interoperability Event on NGN supported by ITU-T
Report of HATS Interoperability Workshop on NGN supported by ITU
HATS Interoperability event on NGN supported by ITU and APT

HATS Interoperability event on NGN
supported by ITU

  HATS (*1) is pleased to inform you of the HATS Interoperability event on NGN supported by ITU. This event aims to assure the interoperability of the NGN equipment which complies with ITU-T Recommendations and TTC standards. This interoperability event will be organized by HATS and use the HATS test specifications which are developed based on the ITU-T Q.3900 Recommendation series. This event will be held under the sponsorship of TTC (*2) and CIAJ (*3).

(*1) HATS Conference: Harmonization of Advanced Telecommunication Systems
(*2) TTC The telecommunication technology committee
(*3) CIAJ Communications and Information network Association of Japan

  ITU-T SG11 Chairman Mr. Wei Feng said “This NGN testing event will help to identify the industry need for interoperability and testing and demonstrate the latest progress in the area for service, interface and terminals side interactions. Identified gaps and requirement can contribute for SG11 future study on interoperability and conformity testing and help SG11 produce relevant standards that help solving the interconnection problems among different vendors and operators services.”

  1. Category of equipment: VoIP, Video Conference, HDTV Conference, IP-FAX/Multi-Function Printer, and Data transfer services.
  2. Reference Point : UNI (UNI2 of NGN service by NTT)
  3. Reference Documents : Q.3900 series (Q.3900-Q.3906.1, Q.3931.1-Q.3931.4, Q.3945), Q.3948 (VoIP), Q.MMtesting draft (Video Conference) and HATS test scenarios.
  4. Test contents : End-to-End Multimedia service interoperability testing.
  5. Date : 11-13 July 2012
  6. Location : CIAJ (Tokyo, Japan)
    3rd Fl., JEI Hamamatsucho Bldg., 2-2-12 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0013
    TEL: +81 3-5403-9354 FAX: +81 3-5403-9360

  Participants are invited to the HATS Interoperability event on NGN supported by ITU. Please fill the attachment form to this invitation letter and send it to the secretary of HATS by email. It must be received by HATS not later than 21 June 2012. The test scenarios can be downloaded from http://www.ciaj.or.jp/hats/japanese/guideline.html.

  1. For VoIP terminal interoperability testing
    HATS NGN terminal interoperability test scenario for VoIP (ver.1)
  2. For Video Conference and HDTV Conference interoperability testing
    HATS NGN terminal interoperability test scenario for Video Conference and HDTV Conference (ver.1)
  3. For other application and services interoperability testing (IP-FAX/Multi-Function Printer, and Data transfer services)
    HATS NGN terminal interoperability test scenario for T.38 and IP-FAX (ver.1)
    HATS NGN terminal interoperability test scenario for data transfer service (ver.1)
  • Proper number of participants should be considered to be able to handle the test equipment simultaneously if you bring several test equipment.
  • Please contact to HATS secretary if you need the protocol specifications for UNI in Japan.
  • Participation in the testing costs 50,000 yen per organization with the exception of HATS member.

Attendance form

  1. Please indicate the followings
    1. First Name (Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr.) :
    2. Last Name :
    3. Administration/Organization :
    4. Present Post (Title) :
    5. Business Address :
    6. Country :
    7. Phone :
    8. Fax :
    9. E-mail :
  2. Do you participate in?
    • VoIP terminal interoperability testing
    • Video Conference and HDTV Conference interoperability testing
    • Other application and services interoperability testing
  3. Please return to
    E-mail :ngn-iop[at]ttc.or.jp
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